What is energy healing ?
We all learned at school that everything in this world is made of molecules, right? Well, those molecules are all vibrating at different frequencies. Energy healing is based on the idea that energy and vibration are present in all living things, it’s inside us as well as all around us.
So when you meet someone with a “good vibe” or a very happy people, this person is just vibrating at a high frequency. In fact, the cells in our human bodies are always vibrating positive or negative, opened or closed, balanced or unbalanced frequencies. High vibration keep our cells healthy, functioning and alive.
When energies become blocked in the body because of traumas, toxins or stress, it lowers the vibration of the body, which over time will contribute to mental, emotional issues and sometimes even physical disease (pain & sickness).
Through Energy Healing, we can remove those blocks and heal ourselves to maintain a vibrant health.